"I do." As in, I do love to go to weddings. I do love the fact everyone was wearing hats. I do love lucky bamboo, the modern space at Pravda, & lumpia. I do love that they included lots of kids, had 3 flower girls & wood-fired pizza from Inferno on the street for guests at the after party. I do love an invitation for our our photo booth to share in the celebration. Congratulations to Lim & Rosie. We thank them. For the fact that they said "I do, means I do, too. - MK
Our Photobooth can go anywhere. Pravda Studios on Capitol Hill was a welcomed experience. The civilized NYC feel of a classy loft space decorated simple chic with long tables and green silk ribbons and a view of the surrounding city-scape, Pravda is a great pick for events of all types. The guest book filled up so quick with lots of great strips including 8+ people crowding in the booth for group shots and little fairy flower girls standing on the seat, peering open-eyed into the lens. Plus the weddings fun hat-theme provided its own props, Perfect!-PR