Tim & Sarah Baynes

We had the honor of being at the reception of Tim & Sarah Baynes. The cutest down home couple, you ever have met. Seriously, when a girl picks pie for her wedding cake, has bbq for the sit down dinner, and marmalade that she cans herself.... she becomes iconic in my mind.

Now lets get to the guests of the wedding. Friendly, fun, and participating in the love and joy of this special couple. Grandpa on the dance floor, girlies cute as buttons, boys that minded their manners. It was a little slice of Americana in the Pickering Barn.

We also met new friends at One Love Photo. Great husband wife team, manifesting the ethereal into the material through their lenses. See more photos from outside the booth here.

If you want to know the truth, and its beautiful, this wedding was just one of those events that is a gift for us to be at. We thank the lovely bride and her handsome groom for including us.